Safeguarding General

Code of Conduct

Everyone acting on behalf of the South African Weightlifting Federation (SAWF); its members and affiliated clubs are required to follow the Safeguarding code of conduct below.

As a representative of the SAWF, I will:



  • Work in a way that respects children’s rights and the rights of vulnerable adults, and places their best interests above all other considerations
  • Conduct myself with the highest professional standards in line with the mission, values and behaviours of the SAWF Safeguarding Policy.
  • Act on safeguarding concerns swiftly and pass information to the appropriate safeguarding person so that action can be taken to reduce the risk of harm to children or vulnerable adults.
  • Treat everyone with equal respect, without discrimination, regardless of their gender, culture, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, or ability.
  • Work in a way that makes provision for children or vulnerable adults who require additional support due to their own needs or circumstances in order for them to access the same level of protection or opportunities that others may have.
  • Respect cultural and religious differences when engaging with children and their families and vulnerable adults, and be sensitive to these in my interactions with them.
  • Maintain appropriate professional and personal boundaries at all times whenever I have direct or indirect contact with children or vulnerable adults. This includes online and digital contact.
  • Ensure that all data I obtain through my role is handled with the highest regard for safety and privacy, including collection, storage and sharing of information where appropriate. All personal data and sensitive children’s and vulnerable adults’ data will be stored in line with the protection of personal information legislation.
  • Ensure I have completed all safe recruitment checks that the SAWF requires of me with integrity and honesty.


  • Share personal details with children or vulnerable adults including online or digital information.
  • Spend time alone with children or vulnerable adults, where my actions cannot be accounted for.
  • Initiate physical contact with a child or a vulnerable adult (including hugging, picking them up) except when spotting or providing manual support.
  • Engage in any physical abuse of a child or adult at risk (including hitting, slapping, shaking, throwing, pushing or otherwise causing physical harm).
  • Engage in any sexual activity (contact or non-contact) with a child or vulnerable adult (including indecent exposure, exposure to pornographic material, sexual teasing or innuendo, inappropriate touching including penetrative or non-penetrative acts, or use of adult sex workers).
  • Engage in any form of financial or material exploitation (including stealing, fraud, misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits) behaviour through or during my work with weightlifting.
  • Perform tasks of a personal nature for a child or vulnerable adult.
  • Endorse the participation of a child or vulnerable adult in abusive activities (e.g. bullying, hazing, neglect, withholding medication, food or shelter, or ignoring medical, physical or emotional needs).
  • Emotionally or psychologically abuse a child or vulnerable adult by acting in a way that shames or degrades them (including threatening to hurt or abandon, humiliating, blaming, controlling, overprotecting, isolating or intimidating).

We are all responsible for the safety of our Community.

If you or anyone feels unsafe

Report any form of ABUSE to our independent Safeguarding Partner