Georgia Love

Andre Gadney
Contact them via email: CoachRep@saweightlifting.co.za
SA Weightlifting National Coaches’ Commission Representatives
for 2023-2024
What is the The South African Weightlifting Coaches’ Commission?
The aim of the coaches’ commission is to ensure the coaches of the Federation are represented as a body, which is independent of the associations and the federation.
Provincial Coach Representatives and SA Weightlifting National Commission Members for 2023-2024
Eastern Cape Province
Curvon Jacobs
Free State Province
Richard Kaplen
Gauteng Province
Andre Gadney
Georgia Love
KwaZulu Natal Province
Jason Donnison
Limpopo Province
No Coaches accepted nomination
North West Province
Lafras Dunn
Western Cape Province
Jon-antohein Phillips
Clayton Hendrickse
The coaches’ commissions
♦ will promote affiliation and participation
♦ will represent the active coaches of the various provinces
♦ must voice the concerns of the coaches
♦ must act in the best interests of the coaches
♦ will promote anti-doping behaviour amongst their members
♦ will promote the coaches’ code of conduct amongst their members
The National Coaches’ Commission:
♦ must meet at least 2 (two) times each year
♦ will represent the South African Weightlifting Federation coaches on the SASCOC Coaches’ Commission
♦ must discuss and accept the Selection Policy
♦ will discuss, accept and promote the coaches’ code of conduct