SAWF Anti-Doping Information

ANTI DOPING INFORMATIONAnti Doping Information The South African Weightlifting Federation (SAWF) is a drug-tested federation. Affiliating with the SAWF, all athletes, coaches, officials and administrators agree to abide by the World Anti-doping code and the IWF...

SAWF Minutes and Reports

Annual General Meeting 27th October 20232023/10/272023/10/052023/11/242023/10/01Ordinary General Meeting 21st January 20232023/01/22

SAWF Constitution & Schedules

Current Version2023/10/272022/10/212022/10/212022/10/212022/10/212022/10/212022/10/212022/10/212022/10/21Previous Versions2023/01/21